Wednesday, 3 June 2020

PPD Autumn Term and Summer 2019


July 2019:
Three of my Paintings are exhibited in the The People Hive on Heath Road in Twickenham. The People Hive is a shop with a gallery space in the shop for local artists and producers of Object 'd'Arte.
Here is a link to their website:
Fig: 1 A picture of me with my work in the background.

Ongoing monthly Volunteer commitment facilitating an art group at Richmond Borough MIND for Adult carers of people with mental health issues. This group was originally my Stage 2 PPD project and I gave a powerpoint presentation on it. I continued to run this group every first friday of the month until March this year. When the Covid 19  outbreak forced R. B. MIND to suspend all their face to face support groups.

Stage 3: Professional Practice Lecture series  Autumn Term 2019

Friday 27 September
PPD 1: An introduction to professional practice and postgraduate study
– with FA staff and artists Ben McDonnell and Tahmina Negmat
I lost my notes for this lecture, but I do remember that I did not see the relevance to my practice although I did find Tahmina's personal story interesting at a human level.

Friday 8 November
PPD 4: On how to organise, plan and fundraise for your degree show
A useful lecture, both in terms of the information given out and the opportunity it gave to meet 3rd year students from different pathways.
The Degree show, what matters:
1)Fundraising, for example The Bad Painting Prize, 2) The Private View, 3) Sales of work, 4) Marketing and publicity. We were split into groups and discussed these topics.
Many people, (including myself ) felt postcards of works were a good idea both as a way of allowing potential buyers to contact an artist and as a way of promoting our work.
In terms of promoting both the private view and subsequent exhibition most favoured an online approach, for example a WCA website.

Friday 15 November
PPD 5: On funded projects for artists in the heritage sector
With Judith King, Creative Director of Arts & Heritage and artist and Reader in
Painting, Mark Fairnington
I enjoyed this lecture and it motivated me to approach Pevensey Castle and the National Trust after I complete my Degree. I found Mark's part of the lecture particularly useful on this regard because he talked about how he  involved himself in the area where the residency was based.

Friday 29 November
PPD 6: On art and copyright
With artist, Andrew Grassie and intellectual property specialist, Roxanne Peters
I found this lecture useful because it covered information that I had learned about on an Adult Education college illustration course in 2010 regarding copyright.
The most useful points of this lecture for me were that if an Artist is dead for more than 70 years their work enters the public Domain.
That one should always ask permission before reproducing another artists work.
Intellectual Property rights, or IP 
4 Areas of Copyright, 1) Creative Works, for example a painting, 2) Trademarks, for example McDonalds.  3) A process, for example a way of manufacturing a given product, this is more Patent law than copyright as it is usually thought of in terms of art. 4) The appearance of a product or object.
Photography, the photo taken by an individual is that persons property EVEN IF the picture is of another artist's work.
Documentation, keeping records of my work is the best way of insuring that it wont be plagiarized.

Advice about open calls and not being shy, it is important to ask. A good list of potential contacts, Skowhegan, Maine, USA, The Delfina Foundation in London, Berwick on Tweed 6 or 3 month residences. e. art has a list of residences, worth remembering that even residences that fail are worth the experience.
Finally it is worth approaching a given institution and trying to create your own custom residences.

Visit to Waldegrave School, Pre PGCE Observation
Wednesday 27th November 2019
The first part of the day was spent with the other attendees discussing, availability of places, routes into teaching, funding, the relationship between schools and Universities, managing the workload during the PGCE year. We also had an informal chat with newly qualified teachers over lunch.
After lunch we spent the afternoon in lessons observing in our chosen area.

Above is the timetable for the day's observations.

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