Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Artists that Influence me, Paul Nash and Eric Ravilious

The two paintings featured above are both by the British artist Paul Nash, his work exercises a strong influence over me because of the evident attachment he feels towards the landscape he paints. The first of these two paintings is called Bomber on the beach. The cliffs in the background remind me very strongly of the cliffs around Birling Gap on the South coast of England where I spent a great deal of my childhood. The second picture is Nash's epic portrayal of the Battle of Britain, completed in 1941. The meandering river that snakes into the sea at the base of the painting looks very similar to Cuckmere Haven, which is down the coast from Birling Gap and Eastbourne.
Both the cliffs and the river appear in my own work, both in terms of photography and painting.
The Paintings featured above are the works I completed just before the Government Lockdown in March. The painting at the top was taken from a photograph that was part of a much larger series of photos that I took in September 2019.
I include images of Cuckmere Haven that will seem familiar both in terms of Paul Nash's piece and also in terms of the painting of Eric Ravilious featured below.
The photograph featured below is part of the series I mentioned above.

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